The Commission introduced new customer interaction guidance for remote gambling operators in June 2022. This strengthened the rules on identifying customers at risk of harm and taking proportionate timely action to reduce harm. The majority of these new requirements came into force on 12 September 2022, with requirement some coming into force on 12 February 2023. There was a lot of unclear communication from the Commission around this at the time, but this month saw an update.
In January 2023, The Commission closed a consultation on proposed guidance relating to these new requirements. The requirements connected with taking into account the new updated guidance will come into force on 31 October 2023.
Some of the changes to note include;
•Certain items have been changed from ‘must’ to ‘should’ to accurately indicate whether they represent obligatory requirements or mere recommendations.
•Operators only need to manually review decisions regarding requirement 11 if the customer requests a substantive manual review.
•Further elaboration added regarding how indicators of harm should be evaluated as ‘strong’.
•Revisions have been made to the guidance regarding vulnerability, encompassing considerations related to equality and the recognition that certain situations are transient in nature.
•Modifications to the level of actions have been introduced, including the specification that marketing is only required to be restricted, not halted, for medium markers.
See full details HERE
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